Reading today’s passage is like watching the movie credits.
The movie has ended; people are getting up. Everyone is going home. No one stays
back for the movie credits. Well, maybe if it’s a Jackie Chan movie and there are
those cool shots of Jackie doing crazy stunts that went wrong. Even so, you are
not looking at the credits; not at those names scrolling up in the background. Who
wants to read a list of names that goes on and on?
Today’s passage is like that. Who would read this? It is
just a list of names that goes on and on.
But the credits remind us that a lot work happens behind the
scenes. This week, our brother Sid is getting married. And he can tell you: The
work that goes on behind the scenes; it is hard work. It is important work: Months
of planning, lots of preparation and lots of good friends that go into making that
one wedding day possible.
Today Paul wants to draw our attention to the people who
make church possible. You don’t always notice them. But there are lots of them.
And they work tirelessly, faithfully in the background. Paul introduces us to
three of these ministries today. (1) There is the academic (verse 12); (2) the
band of brothers (verses 17-18); and (3) an encouraging couple (verse 19). Three
ministries that help make church possible; that help make mission effective;
that help make worship worthwhile.
The all-star academic
Now about our brother Apollos:
I strongly urged him to go to you with the brothers. He was quite unwilling to
go now, but he will go when he has the opportunity.
1 Corinthians 16:12
What is wrong this guy? Just reading verse 12: Apollos
sounds like someone who doesn’t want to come to church. Paul wants him to come,
his friends keep sending him messages on Facebook, but he doesn’t keeps giving
excuses. Actually, that’s not the whole story. For the real story on Apollos,
we need to turn to the book of Acts. Because there we see a different Apollos.
There we see Apollos, the all-star academic.
Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos,
a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was a learned man, with a thorough
knowledge of the Scriptures. He had been instructed in the way of the Lord, and
he spoke with great fervour and taught about Jesus accurately, though he knew
only the baptism of John. He began to speak boldly in the synagogue.
Acts 18:24-25
Acts 18:24-25
Here is a guy who graduated from the top bible college with
top marks in Hebrew and Old Testament Theology. This guy was smart! “He was a
learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.” But more than that,
this guy had guts! Verse 25 says that Apollos preached in the synagogue. Today,
that would be equivalent to going to a mosque, on a Friday afternoon after the
prayers, in the middle of Baghdad; opening up your bible and going, “Let me
tell you about Jesus.”
Apollos was looking for trouble. He was fearless. In the
synagogue he was taking on theologians, rabbis and scholars. And he was arguing
from their scriptures – from their Old Testament – to prove that Jesus really
was the Christ.
Now if Apollos is this maverick; he is this hot shot
evangelist... so why does verse 12 imply that he wasn’t really all that
fearless. In fact, verse 12 literally says Apollos did not want to go to
Corinth “at all” (“pantos”). He resolutely refused to step foot into Corinth.
This is all the more surprising considering Corinth was pretty
much like Cambridge two thousand years ago. It a city was full of thinkers,
debaters and philosophers. In Corinth, a guy Apollos would be respected. In
Corinth, a guy like Apollos would be revered for his intelligence, his wit and
his boldness.
Paul wanted him to go. And we know from Chapter 1, the
church wanted him to go. In fact, there is every indication that the church
wanted someone like Apollos to be their pastor. But Apollos said No.
The perfect pastor
Let me put it another way: Many of you know we are looking
for a pastor to serve at the Chinese Church. People want a pastor who can
preach. People want a pastor who is good with kids; who has a degree; who has
Now imagine we found the perfect pastor – someone smart,
loving, experienced, humble. Imagine he was the perfect guy – the Cantonese
congregation loves him; the Mandarin congregation respects him; the English
congregation thinks this guy is cool!
Imagine this perfect candidate wrote back saying, “No. I
don’t want to be your pastor. I don’t want to be anywhere near your church.” If
that happened, some of us would say, “How rude!” Yong soi!” And that may very well
be the case. But at some point, some of us may ask, “What is wrong with us?
What is the reason why this perfect pastor doesn’t want to serve in our church?”
Apollos was the perfect pastor for the CCCC – the Corinthian City Christian Church. And
the reason why he refused to serve there was because of their pride.
You see, the Corinthian Church is possibly the most gifted
and the most spiritual church in all of the New Testament. But it is also the
most sinful. Again and again, Paul deals with horrible situations in this gifted
yet proud church. They were proud because of their gifts. They were sinful yet
boastful about their sins. They were rich and looked down on the poor.
And this church in Corinth wanted a pastor like Apollos -
not that there is anything wrong with wanting a good pastor, or even a gifted
pastor – but they wanted a pastor like Apollos because they were saying of
themselves, “We are smart, we are gifted; so we deserve a pastor who is as smart
and as gifted as us.”
What kind of pastor are we looking for here in the Chinese
Church? The bible is warning us to check our motives. Because what we want from
our leaders; what we demand from our pastors – sometimes says more about us,
than about our leaders.
The bible tells us what God requires of his servants. They
must be faithful. They must love Jesus. They must preach this book. If you are
curious, the two passages that spell this out are 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. There
is nothing in there about university degrees or charismatic personalities. The
bible is clear that elders and pastors (the two are one and the same) are to be
faithful men, leading faithful lives, preaching the bible faithfully.
The thing we need to see about Apollos is that he wasn’t
just smart. He was faithful. We see this in Acts where it says that Apollos “taught
about Jesus accurately”. What does accurately mean? It means everything he said
about Jesus 100% correct. That’s accurate. He scored 100% in his Theology paper.
But in the very next verse we read:
When Priscilla and Aquila heard his, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately.
Acts 18:26
Where it says “adequately” – they explained to Apollos
adequately – the word is actually the exact same word as before in verse 25. It
is “accurately”. They explained Jesus more accurately to Apollos.
Hold on! How to get more accurate, than accurate? How do you
score higher that 100%?
We get a clue at the end of verse 25, “(Apollos) knew only
the baptism of John”. John’s baptism is the turning away from sin in order to
repent, or turn, to God. John recognised that Jesus came to bring God’s
kingdom. That meant judgement on sin was round the corner. All this was true.
All this was accurate.
But all this was not complete. Jesus came to take our sin
upon himself. Jesus took God’s punishment that we deserved for our sins, upon
himself when he died on the cross. Apollos did not know that. He did not know
about the cross. Everything he said up to this point was correct. It just wasn’t
complete. Without the cross, we will not get a complete picture of who Jesus is
and what he came to do. Without the cross, the bible can be read accurately, it
can be taught academically, but it won’t be preached faithfully. Not without
the cross.
Being academic does not mean long bible studies and big
words. It just means you leave out the cross. You haven’t understood the point
of God’s message. The whole point of Rock Fellowship each week, when we meet to
read the bible and hear God’s word, whether it is Old Testament or New
Testament; whether it is Exodus or 1 Corinthians is to answer this question: How
does this help me understand why Jesus died on the cross?
The cross changed Apollos from an all-star academic to a
faithful preacher of the gospel. Together with Paul, he planted the church in
Corinth (1 Corinthians 3:6). Together with Paul, he recognised the church in
Corinth needed not another big personality as their pastor. They needed the
gospel. They need to hear about the cross of Jesus Christ.
The band of
You know the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia,
and they have devoted themselves to the service of the saints. I urge you,
brothers to submit to such as these and to everyone who joins in their work,
and labours at it. I was glad when Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaiacus arrived,
because they have supplied what was lacking from you. For they refreshed my
spirit and yours also. Such men deserve recognition.
1 Corinthians 16:15-18
Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus are Heng Tai. They are the bros. When you need help, they are there.
When you need a lift to Rock, they’ll pick you up in their sports cars. When
you are down, they come over with pizza and watch football with you. These are
the guys your count on. They are reliable, dependable and faithful.
And Paul says twice - in verses 16 and 18 – these guys
deserve respect. Such men deserve recognition. Why? Because often we don’t
respect them. Often they don’t get recognised. They work tirelessly in the
background. They keep serving without any expectation of reward. They are the Backstreet
Boys – or, as I like to call them, the Backside Boys.
They are taken for granted. And Paul says they deserve more
than that.
Do you know when I wrote this sermon? 11pm last night in a
pub. (Was I drunk? Yes, on a can of Coke.)
I was in the pub with WM, D, J and Sid on his night out with
the guys, the week before his big wedding day. Sid was out with his Heng Tai. (What
do Christian guys do on stag nights? They drink coke, eat Monster Munch snacks
and talk about the sermon.) Let me ask you: When it’s your turn to get married,
who is going to take you out on your guys/girl’s night out? Do you have brothers
or sisters like these – with whom you can share your happiest moments in life?
With whom, you can share your struggles and tough times? You might have 200
friends on Facebook (some of us have more), but who are your real friends?
These guys – Stephanas, Fortunatus and Archaicus – Paul mentions just these few;
these three made a big difference in his life and ministry. They were
dependable friends. They were trustworthy friends. They were his brothers in
Now there is a special reason why Paul writes about these
three brothers. And it isn’t because he hangs out with them every weekend to
play Soul Calibre 3 on Playstation. These three brothers were responsible for
the letter of 1 Corinthians.
Back in Chapter 1, Paul who is away in Ephesus, hears about
the situation in the church in Corinth through these brothers. They bring him
the news about the problems and conflict going on back home. And now in Chapter
16, we see that Paul has written this letter of 1 Corinthians as a response and
it is the brothers who are entrusted with carrying this letter all the way back
to the church. The reason for this is very clear in verse 18, “For they
refreshed my spirit and yours also.” Paul is saying: these men have made an
impact on my life and yours. And even though, some of you have a big problem
with me; some of you have a big problem with what I am saying in this letter;
these brothers – Stephanas, Fortunatus and Archaicus – are there to bridge the
gap. You know them and love them. I know them and I love them.
Here is an important reason why such brothers are so
valuable in the church. It isn’t just because they are the ones who set up the
chairs every week. It is because they display the integrity of the gospel. Even
those who are offended by what they stand for cannot deny their love and
service in Jesus.
Men: Don’t try to be Jerks for Jesus. In the name of
passionate service for God it is easy for us guys to get carried away. Instead
of being more like Jesus, we act more like jerks. We start bossing people
around. We tell people off. We act tough. But all in the name of ministry. That
isn’t ministry. And these aren’t these guys.
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be
strong. Do everything in love.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Verse 13, where it says “be men of courage”; it literally
says, “Act like men.” And many men hear verse 13 like a call to war. Yeah, I be
on my guard! Yeah, I’ll stand my ground! I will be a man – courageous and
strong! That’s me all right.
They don’t hear verse 14. Do everything in love. Stephanas,
Fortunatus and Archaicus are men – real men, who stand up for Paul and live out
the gospel. But they have “devoted themselves to the service of the saints”
(Verse 15). Meaning: they live to serve others.
Are you like these guys? Do you “refresh the spirits” of the
people around you? Meaning: in your service, is it in love? Or do you just rub
people the wrong way – all in the name of serving Jesus?
Every week, after Rock Fellowship, I get back and watch the
Apprentice. It is very engaging. Some of the most talented, business-savvy
individuals in competition with one another for a once-in-a-lifetime business
deal with Lord Sugar. And each time I watch it, I am reminded how tempting it
is to serve Jesus the way these young executives try to serve Lord Sugar. On
the Apprentice, you don’t have friends. On the Apprentice, you use your friends
to get ahead.
It reminds me of what Jesus said to his disciples:
Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the
Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over
them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be
your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave—just as the Son
of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a
ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:25-28
Jesus came not to be served. He came to serve us. That is
how we see his greatness. God became a servant in humility and submission. The
Son of Man gave his life. In the same way, those who serve Jesus – the word
service (diakonia) is where we get
the word, ministry – will serve their brothers and sisters in love and
And Paul says in this passage, these brothers and sisters –
these servants – deserve recognition and respect.
The enterprising
The churches in the province of Asia send you greetings, Aquila and
Priscilla greet you warmly in the Lord, and so does the church that meets in
their house.
1 Corinthians 16:19
Aquila and Priscilla are, I think, the most godliest,
exemplary, mission-minded married couple in the New Testament. They are
mentioned 7 times in the bible; in Acts, Romans, Ephesians, 1 Corinthians and 2
Who are they? They weren’t missionaries. They weren’t
preachers. They were not employed by the church. Instead, they ran a business
making tents. It was a very successful business because they were able to
afford houses in big cities like Rome, Ephesus and Corinth. That’s like having
a condo in Hong Kong, a house in London and a villa in France. If you have three
houses in three big cities, you are loaded!
And here in verse 19, we see what they used these houses
for. Bible study. “The church that meets in their house,” Paul says, they say
Hi. In each of these homes (there may be more, but these three at least we know
of in the bible) Aquila and Priscilla said to the church, “Use this house as a
place of fellowship, worship and ministry.” In other words, they had Rock
Fellowship there every week. Or when J comes back on holiday from seminary, M
will open her house to host a barbeque. Or when Q is leaving for HK, W invites
all the youth to bake cakes and has a big farewell celebration.
My point is: all this is ministry. This is mission. Opening
your homes and inviting people to come into your lives.
Now what’s the big deal? Look with me back at Acts 18. Do
you remember Apollos, the academic? Well it says there in verse 26 that Aquila
and Priscilla heard Apollos preaching. It must have been impressive – like listening
to Mark Driscoll; full of passion and energy. Loads of scripture. But it was
obvious also to them, that Apollos, as impressive as he was, didn’t yet know of
the cross (Acts 18:25).
So what did they do? Did they rebuke him publicly? “You
think you’re such a hot shot? Well, you don’t really know the full story about
Jesus do you? You only know the baptism of John!” No. They didn’t do anything
of the sort. Instead, we read:
When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and
explained to him the way of God more adequately.
Acts 18:26
They invited Apollos home. They said to him, “Come over for
tea and some jammie dodgers, and we would like to tell you more about what
happened to Jesus when he died and rose again.” They used their home as a place
of ministry. They didn’t bring Apollos to a church to hear a sermon (in fact,
they were in the synagogue already). Instead, they invited Apollos to their
house and witnessed to him there. And the result? The ancient equivalent of
Billy Graham. Apollos continued to be a powerful witness for Jesus. Except now
he was able to preach the gospel more faithfully and powerfully. Thanks to this
married couple and their commitment to the gospel, and their generosity to
Could you use your home to serve Jesus? It is wonderful when
you invite your friends over on Sunday to join us at the Chinese Church. But
how about having them over to watch Wimbledon? How about hosting a VISA course
in your apartment?
Hebrews 13 reminds us as Christians: “Do not forget to entertain
strangers for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing
it” (Hebrews 13:12). The point is not that angels will turn up on your doorstep
one day (though the author was thinking of Abraham when he welcomed God himself
without knowing it at first). The point is: You don’t know. You don’t know how
God will use that simple act of love and generosity to bring about a great deal
of good and blessing. You could be witnessing to the next Apollos. He might be
the next John Piper. She might be the next Helen Roseveare.
Aquila and Priscilla didn’t have to leave their jobs. They
didn’t have to leave home. Instead, they used their jobs and they used their
homes to serve Jesus. Paul says this is what ministry looks like.
No other name
Paul is giving credit where credit is due. He isn’t alone in
ministry. Together with Apollos; together with Stephanas, Fortunatus and
Archaicus (Or Steffi, Tuna and Archie); and together with Aquila and Priscilla –
they all serve one Lord and one God: Jesus. As far as they are concerned, Jesus
is the only name that matters in the end.
If anyone does not love the Lord—a curse be on him. Come, O Lord!
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.
My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen.
1 Corinthians 16:22-24
It is all about Jesus. If you don’t love Jesus, then it
doesn’t matter how big a success you are: You are an enemy of God and his judgement
still stands against you. But if you love Jesus, you will serve him and want to
see his name glorified and praised.
Help me to do everything in love.
In love for Jesus, who loved me
In love for my brothers and sisters,
the church for whom Jesus gave his life.
the church for whom Jesus gave his life.
That in all things, Jesus will be glorified and made much of.
In His wonderful name I pray,
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