“Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the
1 Corinthians 15:1
1 Corinthians 15:1
The gospel is not the ABC’s of
the Christian life, it is the A to Z. That is why the bible keeps reminding us
to hold on to the gospel. That is why the bible keeps warning us of the dangers
of moving away from the gospel, not because we don’t know the gospel, but
because it is easy to assume our knowledge of the gospel, and to focus on
something other than the gospel.
The apostle Paul reminds us that
the gospel is “of first importance”. In other words, it is the most important
thing. It is my prayer that as we look back to the events of 2011 and recognise
God’s grace and goodness, we will also be reminded of God’s grace in the good
news - the gospel of our salvation in Jesus Christ.
January - VISA
The VISA course is bible study specially tailored for
enquirers and newcomers going through basic questions on Christianity, such as
“Who is God?”, “What is wrong with the world?” and “Why did Jesus die?” Richard
and Jessica Parker were responsible for adapting all the materials and leading
all the sessions held each Sunday for nine weeks. We thank God for their
faithful service to Jesus and partnership with us in the gospel.
February - CNY
This year’s Chinese New Year
celebration was on the theme of “Reunion - the joy of God’s love”. Looking at
Jesus’ parable of the two sons - the wayward son who ran away home and the
dutiful son who slaved away at home - we learned how Jesus is the true and humble
Son. He is the true elder brother who obeyed his heavenly Father, sacrificing
his own inheritance to bring rebellious younger brothers and sisters back into
God’s family.
March - 1 Corinthians
Paul wrote to the church in Corinth addressing serious problems
of pride and sin. The church in Corinth was gifted but took God’s grace for
granted. They were wealthy but looked down on their weaker brothers. Despite
all of this, 1 Corinthians contains some of the clearest and most stunning
passages on the resurrection, spiritual gifts, leadership in God’s church, the
Lord’s supper, Christian giving and even love to be found in the entire bible.
By looking at the Corinthian church back in the first century, our Sunday
messages had much to teach us about what God was looking for in the Chinese
Church today.
April - New Word Alive
Fifteen of us spent a week attending the annual New Word Alive Christian conference up north in Wales where we stayed together in
caravans, ate together every day, and joined 8,000 other believers in joyful
worship under the faithful preaching of God’s word. We were challenged, we were
refreshed and we were encouraged to continue living our lives wholeheartedly
for Jesus!
May - Baptisms
Yao Shi, Sarah Quah and Faye Yung were baptised as an
outward sign of confession to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour and as a
testimony to the inward work of regeneration by the Holy Spirit. We rejoice
that they have continued to walk faithfully with Jesus, growing in his love and
in the knowledge of God’s grace.
June - Exodus
Rock Fellowship spent a full year journeying through the
epic book of Exodus in the Old Testament. We learned how God heard the cries of
his people in slavery in Egypt and rescued them by sending his servant Moses,
displaying his awesome power before Pharaoh through the ten plagues, and
finally through the crossing of the Red Sea. We read the Ten Commandments given
to Israel at God’s mountain as a contract and a promise from God himself. We
read about the instructions for the Tabernacle and the priests, given so that
Israel could meet with God and approach him acceptably in worship. We also read
of Israel’s rejection of God salvation through idolatry and the rejection of
God’s goodness through grumbling. Finally, we saw how God was preparing the way
for the true Exodus - the ultimate rescue that came through Jesus - who was the
true Passover Lamb, the true Tabernacle and the true Son of God.
July - Upside-down
Jesus came to establish God’s kingdom but he does so in a
very surprising way. We looked at Matthew’s gospel (Chapters 19 and 20) to
learn how Jesus demands not our goodness but our humility, how the first will
be last and the last will be first, and how he comes as the king not to be
served, but to serve us by giving up his life as payment for our sins on the
We rejoiced with Sidney and Zhoujie on their wedding day as
they made their vows before God and to one another as husband and wife,
promising to love and to serve each other in faithfulness, sacrifice and
obedience to Jesus Christ.
August - Revelation
The book of Revelation promises blessing to all who hear it
and especially for all who obey it. It is Jesus’ word to his church to stand
firm in the gospel in the face of temptation, compromise and persecution, reminding
us that he has conquered sin, that he has overcome death and that he has
defeated the devil through his finished work on the cross. In our Sunday
meetings, we heard his voice speaking directly to the seven churches, we saw
the worship of angels before God’s throne and we beheld Jesus as the lamb who was slain, who purchased with his blood a kingdom from every tribe, people,
nation and language.
September - Light of the World
What would Jesus say during the Mid-Autumn Festival? It
might surprise you to learn that the bible actually tells us in John Chapter 8
where Jesus announced himself as the light of the world. Here, Jesus uses the
occasion of the festival and location of the temple to point to himself as the
true source of life and the true revelation of God.
October - Hellos and goodbyes
The start of the new university term meant saying goodbye
to students beginning their first year (Along Ying and Sarah Quah) but also hello
to newcomers at the Chinese Church. 2011 was a year of significant growth in
terms of regular attendance: averaging 20 at Rock Fellowship, our mid-week
bible study (at many times bursting close to 30) and a consistent rise in
numbers as well at our Sunday meetings. More importantly, God has blessed us
with discernible spiritual growth, especially amongst the teenagers and
students in terms of their maturity, speech and conduct. For those who remain
with us, we pray we will continue love them and be faithful in our
responsibility in caring for each one of them. For those who are away, we
continue to ask God’s grace in providing them with a gospel-proclaiming church
to be rooted in and for God’s power to keep their gaze focussed on Jesus Christ
as their Lord and Shepherd.
November - Judges
In November, Rock Fellowship began a new series with the
book of Judges. What made it so fascinating was how Judges dealt with
generation after generation of believers who all went through similar cycles of
rebellion against God, repentance towards God, rescue from God and ending with
forgetfulness of God. Each generation had to come to a personal realisation of
their sin and a personal trust in God to rescue them from judgement for their
sinfulness. Our studies served as warnings not to assume our salvation -
replacing it with church attendance, with our parents’ faith, with our personal
achievements in school or at work - but to trust in Jesus as the one and only
basis of our acceptance before God.
December - Christmas & Solid Rock
The theme for the Christmas season was expectation,
as we looked at the events surrounding Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem in Matthew
20-21, in a series entitled, “All I want for Christmas”. What were the crowds
expecting Jesus to do as the Messiah? What did the blind men expect Jesus to do
as their healer? What did the religious teachers expect Jesus to say as God’s
prophet? In each and every instance, Jesus dealt with their expectations of
joy, compassion, truth and love not simply by meeting their expectations of
him, but by surprising them and even by surpassing every single one of them. He
did this again and again by pointing ahead to the events of the cross and the
resurrection: Jesus expected to be betrayed, he expected to die and to rise
We ended the year with our annual Solid Rock music event,
organised and led by Lydia Lee and Faye Yung with the help of the youth. Trevor
Hames spoke from 1 Thessalonians on the hallmarks of a Christian. The event was
well-attended - visitors came specially to see their friends perform, the hall
was packed (we ran out of seats!) and the Sunday School kids and teachers
joined us in singing and praising God for giving us the wonderful gift of his
Son, Jesus.
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